Evm transaction object

See ethereum rpc spec for the meaning of fields

interface Transaction {
    accessList?: AccessList[];
    blobVersionedHashes?: string[];
    blockHash?: string;
    blockNumber?: number;
    chainId?: number;
    contractAddress?: string;
    cumulativeGasUsed?: bigint;
    effectiveGasPrice?: bigint;
    from?: string;
    gas?: bigint;
    gasPrice?: bigint;
    gasUsed?: bigint;
    gasUsedForL1?: bigint;
    hash?: string;
    input?: string;
    kind?: number;
    l1Fee?: bigint;
    l1FeeScalar?: number;
    l1GasPrice?: bigint;
    l1GasUsed?: bigint;
    logsBloom?: string;
    maxFeePerBlobGas?: bigint;
    maxFeePerGas?: bigint;
    maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint;
    nonce?: bigint;
    r?: string;
    root?: string;
    s?: string;
    status?: number;
    to?: string;
    transactionIndex?: number;
    v?: string;
    value?: bigint;
    yParity?: string;


accessList?: AccessList[]
blobVersionedHashes?: string[]
blockHash?: string
blockNumber?: number
chainId?: number
contractAddress?: string
cumulativeGasUsed?: bigint
effectiveGasPrice?: bigint
from?: string
gas?: bigint
gasPrice?: bigint
gasUsed?: bigint
gasUsedForL1?: bigint
hash?: string
input?: string
kind?: number
l1Fee?: bigint
l1FeeScalar?: number
l1GasPrice?: bigint
l1GasUsed?: bigint
logsBloom?: string
maxFeePerBlobGas?: bigint
maxFeePerGas?: bigint
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint
nonce?: bigint
r?: string
root?: string
s?: string
status?: number
to?: string
transactionIndex?: number
v?: string
value?: bigint
yParity?: string