Evm block header object

See ethereum rpc spec for the meaning of fields

interface Block {
    baseFeePerGas?: bigint;
    blobGasUsed?: bigint;
    difficulty?: bigint;
    excessBlobGas?: bigint;
    extraData?: string;
    gasLimit?: bigint;
    gasUsed?: bigint;
    hash?: string;
    l1BlockNumber?: number;
    logsBloom?: string;
    miner?: string;
    mixHash?: string;
    nonce?: bigint;
    number?: number;
    parentBeaconBlockRoot?: string;
    parentHash?: string;
    receiptsRoot?: string;
    sendCount?: string;
    sendRoot?: string;
    sha3Uncles?: string;
    size?: bigint;
    stateRoot?: string;
    timestamp?: number;
    totalDifficulty?: bigint;
    transactionsRoot?: string;
    uncles?: string[];
    withdrawals?: Withdrawal[];
    withdrawalsRoot?: string;


baseFeePerGas?: bigint
blobGasUsed?: bigint
difficulty?: bigint
excessBlobGas?: bigint
extraData?: string
gasLimit?: bigint
gasUsed?: bigint
hash?: string
l1BlockNumber?: number
logsBloom?: string
miner?: string
mixHash?: string
nonce?: bigint
number?: number
parentBeaconBlockRoot?: string
parentHash?: string
receiptsRoot?: string
sendCount?: string
sendRoot?: string
sha3Uncles?: string
size?: bigint
stateRoot?: string
timestamp?: number
totalDifficulty?: bigint
transactionsRoot?: string
uncles?: string[]
withdrawals?: Withdrawal[]
withdrawalsRoot?: string